
Welcome to the NEW Kentokukan Technical Videos Site, where everything Kentokukan is at your finger tips!

What you’ll find in the Member Area:

In the Member Area, you will see:

  • “Log In or Register,” this is where you will log into your account and where you will send others to sign up for the technical videos.
  • “Documents,” this is where you will find information like curriculum, the Code of Conduct, Forms, etc.
  • “Reports,” this is where you can see reports on recent events, operations meetings and it also includes a link to the report archive.
  • Last but not least… “Videos,” this is where you will find all the technical videos, if you have a paid account.

In the Videos Section, you will see:

  • Basics, all basic material is available when you click basics.
  • Kata, all the kata material for your level is available when you click.*
  • Kumite, all the kumite material for your level is available when you click.*
  • Other Material, this is the section where you will find material like throwing forms, self defense, buki ho, escape forms.*

*Junior and Adult Yukyusha material is available to all Yudansha



Shihan Giovanna Taddeo, 6th dan

Contact: kentokukan.ombudsperson@gmail.com

***Please Note that all questions or concerns are confidential!***